In the middle of France on 60 Acres lived a beautiful herd of Arabians. I was lucky enough Lucia let me work with them. They were all handled, but never ridden, and some had only been haltered and trimmed. But none of these horses had a bad experience with humans, and after so much trauma I saw in Holland, this was just amazing. In the short time I had, I taught them to trust me on their back and walk a little bit. With their permission, without stress, bitless and with a bareback pad. Just how I would do it with my own horses. Padmo the leader of the herd became a friend, and I loved spending time with them together in the valley. I took one of my students with me and Nikki de Kerf, an amazing photographer. The result of that you can see in these beautiful photos!
Anne van Diemen
Equestrian Consultant

Padmo the leader of the herd became a friend, and I loved spending time with them together in the valley.
Personal Favourites
Two Moons
Petra Vlasblom and Jim Schalekamp host retreats and coaching weeks with their horses on their beautifull property in France.
Nikki de Kerf
I consider myself lucky that Nikki wants to photograph my work. She makes amazing art and much more, click on the photo to see it!