Throughout the years I have met amazing people and horses, here are some of our stories.
I am endlessly thankful to all of you who have put your trust in me, and showed me some of your world. Each and every one of you showed me a new perspective, and I would not be where I am right now, without all of YOU.
Thank You
Anne van Diemen
Louise, Norway
- It's about that silent communication with the horseI´ve ridden for Anne multiple times. She is so warm and welcoming and makes you feel right at home. She is an amazing trainer – calm, dedicated and always with a big smile!
Since started training for Anne I’ve done movements I never done before, felt things I never felt before and I have learned so much!
But the thing I love the most about training for Anne is that there is never any screaming, kicking or forcing anything – It’s about that silent communication with the horse, the small aids and respect for the animal. It’s about horsemanship and I really appreciate and admire that.
I would recommend Anne in a heartbeat to anyone, no matter the discipline, advanced level or goal.
Iris van Westerop, Holland
De combinatie van een gedragsmatige- en klassieke benadering zorgde ervoor dat het kopschudden verdweenvan 2012 was ik op zoek naar iemand die mij kon begeleiden met mijn toenmalige 7- jarige ruin. Na herhaaldelijk hangen bij de poetsplaats begon mijn ruin met rijden te kopschudden. Na een medische controle en behandeling adviseerde de kliniek mij om het gedragsmatig verder aan te pakken. Mijn zoektocht begon naar iemand die mij kon begeleiden op gedrags- en dressuurmatig gebied.
Zo kwam ik toen der tijd via 2MOONS bij Anne van Diemen terecht. Ik wist eerst niet goed wat ik ervan kon verwachten. Het was inmiddels een complex probleem geworden, dus wilde ik het na de medische behandeling correct aanpakken. Vanaf de eerste les bij Anne wist ik meteen dat ik de juiste persoon gevonden had. Wat een verademing; iemand die ontzettend prettig in de omgang is, een duidelijke plan van aanpak heeft, in oplossingen denkt, creatief is, maar daarentegen wel direct was wanneer nodig. De combinatie van een gedragsmatige- en klassieke benadering zorgde ervoor dat het kopschudden verdween en we op verschillende vlakken echte stappen maakten door grondwerk- loswerk en dressuur lessen. Dat had ik niet durven hopen. Ik ben Anne ontzettend dankbaar dat ze op mijn pad gekomen is
TEam bdn
Bo Lou Nolten
Late 2012 I had the privilege of having Anne train my horses whilst I was out due to an injury; It was a pleasure coaching her with my team of horses (mostly stallions). Showing she had a real feeling and eye for it from her years of experience.
Being very protective over the horses, I never doubted her as I had a lot of trust in Anne not only in her functionality but also knowing she is driven to finish the tasks at hand. After this encounter we became not only colleagues but friends – this allowing us to further our work together. Anne started traveling and in her visits would always come for a period to help training/managing the horses at Team BDN. Having not only an classical background she showed she was capable working with any breed whether it was handling,working in hand or riding. Super work ethic and easy to communicate with – in a team setting or independently – this is why I believe Anne is an asset to have in any setting!
stella klim, bali
With Anne I always felt like my passion for riding was the strongest it's ever been.Having an instructor such as Anne is incredible, making me feel confident as a rider and making me feel like I was good enough. Teaching me to be strong and connect with my horse.
Anne and I really connected, always felt like I had an older sister and someone to go to.
I got to improve with skills such as, Spanish walk, leg yielding, rider balance, and all my transitions ect..
Always had butterflies in my stomach, as I arrived at the stables.
I just couldn’t wait to see what adventure I was going to go through with Anne and my horse.
Always loved riding Veron, as I felt I had a real connection with him.
Loved cantering around the arena with a smile from ear to ear knowing I was doing what I love.
Always having fun with Veron and playing around with new tricks and just having a great ride.
With Anne I always felt like my passion for riding was the strongest it’s ever been. She always made sure I was comfortable with what we were learning.
I always wanted to learn more no matter what it took.
Having an instructor that I really connected with is amazing,I could always tell her my friend drama and family drama on top of my million questions about riding.
Couldn’t have asked for a more amazing instructor, friend and sister.
My time riding with Anne was some of the happiest times of my life.
Hong KOng
I was privileged to ride with lovely Anne at Bali Equestrian Centre for a number of years. Anne taught me on Warmbloods and Spanish Stallions and her talent to tune into the intricacies of the horse and rider were inspiring. My experience was mainly with Thoroughbreds but I wanted to experience more. Anne coached me on the subtleties of working with different breeds and how understanding the horses mentality will enable me to connect and improve my riding beyond my own expectations. Anne’s attention to detail of ground work and the art of dressage taught me to approach my ride holistically and with grace and kindness. I hope I can continue to learn from this awesome lady no matter where she is in the world!
Trinidad & Tobago
Patrice Stollmeyer
Anne helped me so much with my two homebred warmbloods. Her thoughful insight into how to improve connection and communication was extremely beneficial to me. I am really happy these days with their progress and will take advise from Anne at any time if only she would return to Trinidad!
Anja taylor, trinidad&tobago
She really did wonders working with the young horses and the ones who were a little difficult as well.
Anne came to Trinidad in 2017 for a short period of time. She is a very adaptable person and was able to work with riders and horses of all levels. She really did wonders working with the young horses and the ones who were a little difficult as well. Anne would be an asset to anyone, and I am truly looking forward to any opportunity to have her visit again.
Christa Gore
I enjoyed lessons with Anne while she was in Jamaica. She made time out of her busy day to work with me and my two horses. Anne is extremely a highly experiences rider/instructor, knowledgeable, and patient. Her expertise has enabled me to have a better understanding of my horses who are at different levels of dressage, one being a jumper. My riding ability has advanced because of lessons with Anne as well as my confidence in myself and in my horses. I look forward to the day that Anne will return to Jamaica to school horses and teach as she is such an asset to us all.

Iris van Westerop, Holland
De combinatie van een gedragsmatige- en klassieke benadering zorgde ervoor dat het kopschudden verdweenvan 2012 was ik op zoek naar iemand die mij kon begeleiden met mijn toenmalige 7- jarige ruin. Na herhaaldelijk hangen bij de poetsplaats begon mijn ruin met rijden te kopschudden. Na een medische controle en behandeling adviseerde de kliniek mij om het gedragsmatig verder aan te pakken. Mijn zoektocht begon naar iemand die mij kon begeleiden op gedrags- en dressuurmatig gebied.
Zo kwam ik toen der tijd via 2MOONS bij Anne van Diemen terecht. Ik wist eerst niet goed wat ik ervan kon verwachten. Het was inmiddels een complex probleem geworden, dus wilde ik het na de medische behandeling correct aanpakken. Vanaf de eerste les bij Anne wist ik meteen dat ik de juiste persoon gevonden had. Wat een verademing; iemand die ontzettend prettig in de omgang is, een duidelijke plan van aanpak heeft, in oplossingen denkt, creatief is, maar daarentegen wel direct was wanneer nodig. De combinatie van een gedragsmatige- en klassieke benadering zorgde ervoor dat het kopschudden verdween en we op verschillende vlakken echte stappen maakten door grondwerk- loswerk en dressuur lessen. Dat had ik niet durven hopen. Ik ben Anne ontzettend dankbaar dat ze op mijn pad gekomen is
Happy for Anne, but sad for us when she told us that she was going to travel for a while… One year me and my pony had lessons in groundwork and also some riding lessons before she left. she learned us both a lot about the basics of straightness training from the ground, as well as in the saddle. Anne knows what she is talking about and what she is doing. She has what a good instructor has to have, something you cannot learn but comes from inside. She knows how to explain clearly and is honest too humans and horses. I would recommend her to anyone, she is a professional at what she is doing.
Please come back to Holland to coach us again!